Thursday, April 4, 2013

Germination Experiment #2- Lavender

Update on the Canna Lilies: Apparently just because it isn't below freezing outside doesn't mean that they can handle chilly temps when they are that young. Every last one of my South Pacific canna lily seedlings got root rot, even though I never left them outside at any temperatures below 40F. My "yellow" cannas are still alive, though haven't grown much in the past month. I'm thinking that I just started them too soon. That's what I get for trusting weather advice from a groundhog, huh? I can't remember the last time we had such a chilly spring! But it looks like things are slowly warming up and at least the freezing temps should be behind us, so I've begun the painstaking process of hardening off some of my seedlings. Wish I could wait till it was a bit warmer, but they've outgrown their current containers and I just don't have the indoor space to transplant them into larger containers. Fingers crossed that they fare better than the canna seedlings!

And now for germination experiment #2 of 2013- growing lavender from seed. I've done it before, but that was in college when I had use of the horticulture department's greenhouse with intermittent mist system, and even then I had at best marginal success. Lavender had been one of those plants that always makes me want to tear my hair out- it isn't supposed to be *that* hard to grow, but somehow I've managed to kill so many lavender plants that I've lost count. I've balanced soil pH, built raised beds for better drainage, talked to the owner of a lavender farm and followed her advice to the letter, but still no success.

So why am I still trying? Maybe I have an Edison complex and I'm determined to make the light bulb work, I'm not sure, but I love lavender so much that I cannot give up the dream of having it bloom in my own garden. So I'm growing them from seed because it is less financial investment. Some of these seeds are very old, received in trades from other gardeners on the internet years ago, and others are commercial seed bought this year. We'll see what happens.

First of all, they take a while to germinate. Possibly as long as a month, which in my book is a long time to keep a pot at the perfect temperature, moisture level, and mold-free conditions that are optimal for germination. I had some room in my Park Seed Bio-Dome and planted 12 seeds, of which one germinated very quickly, and at now 2 months later I have yet to see signs of the other 11 so I'm gonna assume they aren't going to happen. Still, one seedling is better than none!

Next was the little pot below- I wanted to try stratifying lavender, which I have read can increase germination rates, so I planted these seeds in a 3" peat pot, which I then put in a plastic baggie and dropped in my bottom fridge drawer. Less than a week later I was getting something out of that drawer when I noticed sprouts! I pulled it out and put it on a sunny window sill, and it seems to be doing well.

Encouraged by this success, I expanded this operation by stratifying 4 different types of lavender seed in zip-top bags filled with moist vermiculite. I left them in the fridge for ~5 weeks, during which none of them sprouted. Then I took them out of the cold and in my rush to head out of town for Easter weekend didn't have time to pot them up, so I tossed them in a kitchen cabinet and nearly forgot about them. A week later I remembered them and pulled them out to find that they were sprouting in the bag!
Potting up seedlings that tiny is tricky business because they are very fragile. It would have been much better to pot up the seeds when they first came out of the fridge. Plus in that dark cabinet they got a big "leggy", but I did my best transferring them to 3" peat pots. I pilled in the rest of the vermiculite around the seedlings just in case there were un-germinated seeds still hiding in there.
After misting the surface generously I put plastic baggie tents over them and moved them to a sunny window. Hopefully they will do well! I will try to update their progress in a couple of weeks.

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